Andthe old lady will get in the car with you. br br Stanardsville Bed and Breakfast Itis said that there is a bloodstain in the foyer from a confederatesoldier who killed himself after learning of his wife being unfaithfulwith a Yankee soldier during the battle of Stanardsville. Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading The Unusual Suspects. nbsp It is said that anyone wholives on Rock House Rd. It hasbeen said that Lee has been seen and heard throughout the new station
She once lived on thisroad and the story goes she was murdered and her body was neverrecovered. The wall in front of the mansion issaid to be haunted by the ghost of a criminally insane escapee ofEastern State Mental Institution who in the s slit a womansthroat. br br Alexandria Ramsey House The first house in the city King and N. It is said that whenthe fog rises then that is when she is most seen. In when they were rebuilding thebasement of the house they found a body of a Union solder behind thewalls. And a few people have reported coming down thesteps and seeing a womans reflection in the window
Some guests overthe years have seen a female and described her as a young pretty womanwho is sometimes playful and whose main goal is to disturb the peoplethat she doesnt like sleeping in her room. The sounds of laughingand orbs have been reported at the monument. br br Beaufort Joseph JohnsonHouse The Castle Legend states that theexplorer Jean Ribaut brought with him a jester a dwarf named Gauche. During the Civil War the theatre belonged to the Wade familya friendly and wellknown family who open their home topovertystricken families in search of a home. Guest are also woken by sounds of chairs moving across the floorglasses clinking and footsteps walking swiftly across the floor. An Unhappy bride is said to walk the groundssobbing. Twenty years ago witnesses report they wereout there with their girlfriends. br br Hartsville ProspectChurch There is an old church locatedon Prospect Road. Also if you drive around the front of the schoolthe light will suddenly glow. nbsp She lived a hard life and when shedied she came back to haunt the area of the courthouse. Also African Americans were hung downthe road. One time a man walked halfway down the stairs but never made itto the bottom. We do not know the gender of the person entombed inthe wall as only bone fragments were found and no testing wascompleted. If you light a lighter in thechurch it will fall apart
Also some nights mysteriouswalking and piano playing can be heard when no one is at the piano. Many stories have circulatedamong the student population the hook up phoenix az of sightings and strange noisesespecially late at night. br br Roanoke PatrickHenry Hotel There are many ghosts here. The first is a Klan killing ofa black man and his white wife. nbsp Also people havetalked about seeing a huge catlike critter that has eyes that shinered instead of the normal flourescent green shine. Soon after restaining the floorthe spot would reappear. Nobody lives around there and it is DEFINATLEYhaunted. There is a rumor that inthe s a man went into the woods before the nature trail waserected and was never seen again and no body was ever found br br Harrisonburg Port Republic Road Justoff Port Republic Road sets General Turner Ashbys grave across theroad from Deer Run Apartments a misty foggy after am has beenreported. After hours Sm confirms hyoyeon dating custodians and other faculty reportseeing him walk around the halls apparently looking for troublemakers as he would do normally as principal. One day in the s a womanthrew her baby off the bridge in spite of her husband. He died on the bridge in when he was hung over the side ofthe bridge with jumper cables by dating tips for young widows his crazy wife Becca at around
Br br Plantersville Plantersville church itis said that when this place was being built a man fell off and cursedwhile he was falling and on a rainy and foggy night if just started dating new guy you are walkingby or your car quits you can someone falling and cursingbr br Pickens PickensCity Museum gay dating long beach In the old Police hallcurrently the museum in the living quarters the first sheriffs familylived there. br br Bowling Green Civil warsoldiers can be heard calling out commands and then firing alsoconfederate soldiers have been seen walking through the graveyardbehind the church. Holds an urban legend of a man whohaunts the creek with his slaves often heard singing from localchildren many fear. only tofind theres nothing there once theyre in the water. br br Wise WiseCounty Orphange This place hasexperieced many strange sightings threw the years. A couple went to the graveyard and on the right side the windwas not blowing then you walk past a big old oak tree in the center ofthe graveyard the wind nearly knocked the wife down. The lowersixth grade hall was said to be buried after the incedent and tops ofdoor frames have been found
Also on a third floor window scratched into the glass arethe words O Fatal Day but no explanation as to why they are there orwhere they came from. br br Spartanburg TBHospital Recently Torn Down Originally a sanitarium for people stricken with thedisease. br br Alexandria WoodlawnPlantation On Woodlawn Plantation which wasonce land of Mount Vernon George Washingtons personal home. As well as jump onto your vehicle or in the bed of your truck
Lockers Hookup lynchburg va have slammed and the showerheads movewithout anyone moving them. The history behind this church isnot really known but something definitely is unusual about the site. According to tradition she followed her lover in the British Armyduring the Revolutionary War. The other ghost That hasa talking on the phone before dating name is supposed to hook up auburn al be the father of John Wilkes Booth the man thatshot Pres. Something or someone thats umbriphilous loves being in the shade. Apparently when the original hotel burnt down a young teenage girlwent with it by accident. br br Williamsburg Peyton Randolph House Manyghost sightings over stories associated with this old mansion. He died at the age of but before dying had frequently played with a young black slave boy. Anapparition of a black man has been reported to be looking out anupstairs window. Story goesa young womans husband either drowned at sea ran off got killed orsomething tragic
Apparitions of a year old boy wearing auniform and a tricornered hat peering out a nd floor window. br br Lyman LymanLake They say back in the old daysaround Lyman lake that there was a party there and a Free download hook up application girl got raped andkilled down there. This school reportedly is one of the mosthaunted in all of northern Virginia. You canusually see or hear them around am every night hookup bars nyc
There is one specific room that is supposedly haunted andthat is room. Wash Frank Hall had recentlybeen renovated and was kept locked after classes. And most of all the overwhelming sensationof being watched from every nook and cranny of the space. Do not stop near thisplace there will be severe consequencesbr br Gaffney Chain Gang Road When you go down on the Old Chain Roadyou can here voices of girls moaning and screaming